Oven Bake Sweet Potato Fries焗蕃薯條
Who doesn’t love potato fries?! But lately I fall in love with this oven baked sweet potato fries too. It is very cruchy, tasty, salty and spicy…it is just sooo good. Cannot believe sweet potato fries can be soooooo yummy! (I am not a fan of sweet potatoes) The best thing is….is oven-baked, so is even healthier!
Oven-bake Tortilla Chips 焗墨西哥薄餅
Tortilla chips is so crispy and tasty that once you start eating it, you cannot stop!!! The store-bought one is mainly fried and full of chemicals…(I know, do not tell me that). Here is the healthier option, to bake it! Yes, they are super crispy and tasty, I promise!