Braised Tofu 紅燒豆腐
Traditional Chinese dish – braised tofu that I always love to order in Chinese restaurant. This sounds like a restaurant dish but actually is super easy to make and is so delicious.
In some restaurants they deep-fry the tofu, but for healthier version, I just pan-fry it. The sauce is so easy to make and is perfect to serve with plain rice.
Cut the tofu into pieces, then pat dry it with kitchen towel. Add oil in hot pan, then pan-fry the tofu under medium low heat until golden. Set aside.
Add oil in pan, cook the minced garlic, ginger and spring onion for a while. Then add in shiitake mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes.
Add all the seasoning and some water, bring it to boil, then add in tofu and mix well. Cook for further one minute. Enjoy! If you want a thicker sauce, you can add some corn starch with water.
下所有調味料 (加適量的水),煮沸後,下豆腐,輕力拌勻,再煮一分鐘即成! *如想醬汁更稠身,可加點太白粉+水.

- 1 pack firm tofu
- few spring onions
- few shiitake mushrooms
- 1 tbsp garlic, minced
- few slices ginger
- 2 tbsp oyster sauce
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- 1 盒 硬豆腐
- 數棵 青蔥
- 數隻 冬菇
- 1 湯匙 蒜蓉
- 數片 薑 (切絲)
- 2 湯匙 蠔油
- 1 湯匙 生抽
- 1 茶匙 糖
- 1 茶匙 麻油
Cut the tofu into pieces, then pat dry it with kitchen towel. Add oil in hot pan, then pan-fry the tofu under medium low heat until golden. Set aside.
Add oil in pan, cook the minced garlic, ginger and spring onion for a while. Then add in shiitake mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes.
Add all the seasoning and some water, bring it to boil, then add in tofu and mix well. Cook for further one minute. Enjoy! If you want a thicker sauce, you can add some corn starch with water.
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