Authentic Hong Kong Red Bean Pudding Recipe 港式懷舊紅豆砵仔糕

Classic Hong Kong street food – red bean pudding, one of my favourite childhood snacks.  Tangy and delicious pudding that everyone should love it!

Now is not easy to find these little pudding, but it is very easy to make it. There are brown and white, the brown one with brown sugar and white with white sugar. The best part is the lovely red beans. Try and hope you will like it too!

傳統廣東糕點,香港的地道懷舊小食 – 砵仔糕。用黃糖或白糖做,香軟Q韌,加上綿綿的紅豆,陣陣黃糖香,非常美味! 


Soak the red beans for few hours, then cook the red beans until soften but not mashy. (Do not add sugar when you cook red beans)

Mix 300ml water with wheat starch and rice flour together. Bring 600 ml water to boil, add sugar and cook until it dissolved. 

Gently add in syrup into the mixture, keep stirring until smooth. 

Steam the bowls for few minutes, then stir the mixture, pour the mixture into bowls and add in red beans. Steam for 10-15 minutes, use a toothpick to test if a mixture stick on it.  Let it cool and take the pudding out.

先將紅豆泡浸數小時,然後將紅豆煮至軟身,有少許裂開便可,不要攪拌太多,最好保存一整粒紅豆,瀝乾水份備用 (*不要加糖煮紅豆)




Hong Kong Red Bean Puddings
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
28 mins
Course: Dessert, Snack
Servings: 2
  • 150 g Red Beans 紅豆
  • 300 g Rice Flour 沾米粉
  • 15 g Wheat Starch 澄麵
  • 200 g Brown or White Sugar 黃/白糖
  • 900 ml Water 水
  1. Soak the red beans for few hours, then cook the red beans until soften but not mashy. (Do not add sugar when you cook red beans)

  2. Mix 300ml water with wheat starch and rice flour together. Bring 600 ml water to boil, add sugar and cook until it dissolved. 

  3. Gently add in syrup into the mixture, keep stirring until smooth. 

  4. Steam the bowls for few minutes, then stir the mixture, pour the mixture into bowls and add in red beans. Steam for 10-15 minutes, use a toothpick to test if a mixture stick on it.  Let it cool and take the pudding out. 

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