Apricot Jam Mini Cake 黃梅花籃 (黃梅果醬小蛋糕)
Who like the classic Hong Kong bakery’s mini cake 西餅?When I was kid, I always love those mini cakes with different shape, very colourful and delicious. This apricot jam mini cake is my favourite, I love to lick the jam first then eat the cake haha.
The original cake use sponge cake with whipped cream, but I prefer and use butter cream instead. You can definitely use whipped cream and different favour of jam. Simple but delicious cake, try and hope you enjoy it!
小時候最喜歡吃西餅,款式多多,色彩繽紛,其中最喜歡的是這個黃梅花籃(黃梅果醬小蛋糕)。簡單的海綿蛋糕,加上cream 和黃梅果醬,超好味,充滿童年回憶!
餅店是用忌廉的,但我個人較喜歡牛油糖霜Buttercream, 當然也可以用不同口味的果醬啦!做法簡單,細細個,不太甜,做下午茶就最好!
For the sponge cake: Beat the egg whites until stiff peak.
In another bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar until ribbon stage. Add in milk and oil, mix well.
Then add in meringue, fold it gently. Pour the batter in lined baking tray, tap the tray few times to release the air bubbles. Bake in preheated oven at 170C, bake for 15-18 minutes.
Let the cake cool completely then cut into the shape you want.
For the buttercream, beat the butter until fluffy and pale, then add in icing sugar. (If is too thick, you can add some water)
To assemble the cake, put some buttercream on one side of a cake, then sandwich it. Then put the buttercream around the side, dip in some shredded coconut (shredded coconut bake in oven at 160C, for 1 to 2 minutes)
Put some buttercream in piping bag, put it on top on a cake and add apricot jam in the middle. Enjoy!
*This recipe can make 5 to 6 mini cakes.
蛋糕做法: 先用打蛋器打發蛋白,出現泡沫時下糖繼續打發至末端堅挺.
將已打發的蛋白分三次拌蛋漿內,輕手拌勻. 將蛋糕漿倒入蛋糕盤內,將蛋糕盤拍在枱上數下,讓空氣排出。放入已預熱170度C焗爐,焗約15至18分鐘
牛油糖霜做法: 用電動打蛋器打發牛油至淡黃色,然後加入糖粉,拌勻
在蛋糕面上塗上牛油糖霜,再蓋上另一件蛋糕,再在蛋糕周圍再塗上牛油糖霜. 在蛋糕周圍沾滿椰絲(*先將椰絲放入焗爐,160度C焗約一至兩分鐘至金黃色,小心烤焦)
將牛油糖霜放入擠袋內,在蛋糕上面擠一圈牛油糖霜,再在中間放上黃梅果醬即成 (*可用少許熱水和黃梅醬拌勻)

- 60 g shredded coconut
- apricot jam
- 4 egg whites
- 35 g sugar
- 4 egg yolks
- 35 g sugar
- 35 ml milk
- 25 ml vegetable oil
- 60 g cake flour
- 80 g butter
- 160 g icing sugar
For the sponge cake: Beat the egg whites until stiff peak.
In another bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar until ribbon stage. Add in milk and oil, mix well.
Then add in meringue, fold it gently. Pour the batter in lined baking tray, tap the tray few times to release the air bubbles. Bake in preheated oven at 170C, bake for 15-18 minutes.
Let the cake cool completely then cut into the shape you want.
For the buttercream, beat the butter until fluffy and pale, then add in icing sugar. (If is too thick, you can add some water)
To assemble the cake, put some buttercream on one side of a cake, then sandwich it. Then put the buttercream around the side, dip in some shredded coconut (shredded coconut bake in oven at 160C, for 1 to 2 minutes)
Put some buttercream in piping bag, put it on top on a cake and add apricot jam in the middle. Enjoy!
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