3-Ingredient Condensed Milk Fruit Slice 煉奶果乾蛋糕

Cakes, CATEGORIES | 11th July 2024 | By

I got 2 tins of condensed milk at home that I haven’t use for almost a year. So I have to find something to make to use it and clear some place in pantry. I made biscuits with condensed milk before, they are very delicious.

This time I made a dried fruit slice, the texture is between cake and biscuit. They are chewy, and I add some raisins and dried cranberries. They are SOOOOOO delicious that I am obsessed!!! Super easy to make, only 3 ingredients, let’s make it!



In a large bowl, mix condensed milk and self-raising flour together. It might take some strength but it will be ok.

Then add in your dried fruit of choice, mix well.

Put everything in a lined baking tray, mine is 22cm x 22cm square tray. Use spatula to make it even.

Pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for about 20-25 mins or until firm.

Let it cool then slice it, enjoy!

*if you don’t have self-raising flour, you can use same amount of plain flour PLUS 10g Baking Powder



然後放入鋪有烘焙紙的焗盤內(我用的是22cm x 22cm ),放入已預熱180C焗爐,焗約20-25分鐘即成。


*如果沒有自發粉,就用同等份量的中筋麵粉再加 10g 泡打粉

Dried Fruit Slice
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
25 mins
Total Time
40 mins
Servings: 6
  • 400 g Condensed Milk (1 Tin) 煉奶
  • 150 g Self-Raising Flour 自發粉
  • 350 g Dried Fruit 果乾
  1. In a large bowl, mix condensed milk and self-raising flour together. It might take some strength but it will be ok.

  2. Then add in your dried fruit of choice, mix well.

  3. Put everything in a lined baking tray, mine is 22cm x 22cm square tray. Use spatula to make it even.

  4. Pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for about 20-25 mins or until firm.

    Let it cool then slice it, enjoy!

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