Homemade Sweetheart Cake 自製老婆餅

Yeaaaaaaaah!!! Finally I made it!!!!! I been planing to make this and finally I made it! And it is super delicious!!!!!!! (sorry for my excitement 😉 )

I love this sweetheart cake so much, yes, you can buy in Chinatown bakery, but they don’t taste so good. So I tried to make it myself and it turn out really good. I use lard, yes, it is very fatty but hey, if you want it to be good, it has to use lard. (if you want, you can use butter) The pastry are so fluffy, with the winter melon sweet filling. They are just perfect!

It might seems many steps, but it will all worth it. Trust me 😉

YEAH!!!!!! 終於都做了老婆餅!!!!!一直都想做,但每次想到這麼多步驟就卻步。但其實都不是想像中的複雜,非常有成功感。

自己非常喜歡吃老婆餅,除了香港恆香的,其他店的都不夠好吃。人在英國,試過唐人街賣的,都不好吃,唯有自己做!我建議用豬油,令外層的皮超酥化,雖然肥,但起碼肥得值得 😉


Wet Oil Dough : mix all the ingredient in a large bowl, form a dough, then cover with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Dry Oil Dough : mix all the ingredient in a large bowl, form a dough, then cover with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.

For the filling: Add glutinous rice flour in a pan, cook for 5 minutes. Set aside. Cut the sweet winter melon into small pieces.

Add water, sugar and lard in a wok, cook until medium heat. Then add in winter melon and glutinous rice flour, mix well, cook for a minute or until the filling a bit drier. Put the filling in freezer, it will become harder and easier to handle. Then divide the filling into 10 minutes, roll a ball.

Divide the wet oil dough and dry oil dough into 10 pieces, roll a ball (the bigger one is wet oil dough, don’t mix it up)

Roll the wet oil dough into thin round shape, then wrap the dry oil dough. (the bigger one wrap the smaller one) Seal it tightly, roll a ball. Then roll the dough into long shape, then roll it up all the way. Cover with cling film and let it rest for 15 minutes. Then repeat the same step one more time.

Then fold the dough and press it. Roll into thin round shape then wrap the filling. Seal it tightly, let the sealing bit face down. And then roll into round shape.

Use a knife cut two lashes in a dough (cut through it, which help to release air), brush with egg wash (egg yolk only), then sprinkle with some white sesame seeds.

Pop in preheated oven at 190C, bake for about 25 minutes. Enjoy!

*This recipe can make 10 sweetheart cakes. ** you can use butter instead of lard



餡料做法:將糯米粉先放入鑊內 (不需要加油),炒至有香氣,盛起備用。將糖冬瓜切碎,備用。


將水油皮和油酥皮分成各10份,搓圓 (*大的是水油皮)

將水油皮擀薄,包入油酥皮,收緊接口,搓圓. 然後擀成長形,再捲起,蓋上保鮮紙,讓麵糰靜置15分鐘.


將麵糰橫放,兩端對摺,壓扁,再擀成圓形薄片. 包入餡料,封實摺口,將封口向下,擀成薄圓形.

用刀劃兩下(切到麵糰底部,有助排氣),塗上蛋黃液,灑上芝麻. 放入已預熱190度C焗爐,焗約25分鐘或至金黃色即可!


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