Steamed Ginger Milk Custard 薑汁燉蛋白
This is a classic Chinese dessert, or custard, or more like a pudding. Steam with ginger, milk and egg whites. It is very soft, smooth, silky texture. It is very easy-to-make and quick dessert, good to have it after dinner.
I always love this traditional dessert, especially in winter, it can warm your stomach. Ginger is very healthy, the taste is strong, but good for blood circulation and digestion. The combination ginger and milk is always good for woman. So ladies, let’s try this healthy light dessert!
Everytime after I made custard, there must be so many egg whites left. I always love to make this dessert to get rid of the egg whites. Super easy to make, mix everything together and steam it. In 20 minutes you will have a delicious and HEALTHY dessert.
做蛋糕或卡士達醬後,總會有很多用剩了很多蛋白,倒了又太浪費。 我總會拿來做這個甜品,超滑,超美味,又養顏的薑汁鮮奶燉蛋白。平時甜品鋪起碼要十幾廿蚊碗,依家只需幾蚊就有兩大碗。在英國更是沒有可能找到甜品鋪,自己在家做最好!做法超簡單,只需20分鐘便做到,新手必學,快速宵夜之選!
First you need to make the ginger sauce. Wash and peel the ginger, then grate it. Use your hand to squeeze all the ginger sauce from it. It may take a while.
先榨薑汁 : 用老薑會較好,將薑去皮,然後磨成蓉,再用手榨出薑汁
Then mix the ginger sauce, milk, eggwhites and sugar together, do not over mix it. Sift through a fine sieve, and transfer the mixture into two bowls or ramekins. Cover with foil and steam for 10 minutes on medium-high heat, then turn off the heat and let it set for 10 minutes. (Do not open the lid to check) Serve immediately.

- 2 eggwhites
- 220ml milk
- 2 tablespoons ginger sauce
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 材料:
- 蛋白 -2隻
- 牛奶 -220毫升
- 薑汁 -2湯匙
- 糖 -4湯匙
- Peel and grate the ginger, use hand to squeeze the juice out.
- Mix eggwhites, milk, sugar and ginger sauce together. Sift through a fine sieve.
- Transfer the mixture into bowls or ramekins. Cover with foil.
- Steam on medium-high heat for 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let it set for 10 minutes.(Do not open the lid)
- Serve immediately.
- Use foil to cover is to make a smooth surface.

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