Oven-bake Tortilla Chips 焗墨西哥薄餅
Tortilla chips is so crispy and tasty that once you start eating it, you cannot stop!!! The store-bought one is mainly fried and full of chemicals…(I know, do not tell me that). Here is the healthier option, to bake it! Yes, they are super crispy and tasty, I promise!
I am very happy with these oven-baked tortilla chips! It is crispy, tasty and less oily, great with homemade salsa or any dipping sauce. Try to eat healthier these days while feel like getting older. So in my home, I decide to deep fry food less, everything use less oil if possible. Being healthy definitely can enjoy delicious food. Especially to bake food instead of fry it, you can save so much oil and being healthier.
You can also use store-bought tortilla or make it yourself. Slice it, season it and bake it. Kids will love it!
我跟Mr P都非常喜歡吃墨西哥脆片,沾莎莎醬超美味,每次都吃一大包,實在停不了口!但街買的像薯片一樣,多數都是油炸的,高卡又不太健康。我就做了這個較健康,焗的版本,保証同樣脆卜卜,超美味! 做法非常簡單,可以買現成的薄餅,也可以自己做薄餅。 大人小朋友都愛,再配自製莎莎醬就最好喇!
It is very easy to make! Brush some olive oil on the tortilla, then cut into 8 pieces. Sprinkle with some salt and place on parchment paper. Baked in preheated oven at 180C for 6 to 8 minutes , until golden and crispy, then is done! Serve with salad or dipping sauce.

- 3 - 4 sheets flour tortilla
- 1 - 2 tablespoons olive oil
- salt to taste
- 墨西哥薄餅 -3-4片
- 橄欖油 -1-2湯匙
- 鹽 -少許
- Brush some olive oil on the tortilla, cut into 8 pieces.
- Sprinkle some salt on top, bake in preheated oven at 180C for 6 to 8 minutes until golden.
- Serve with salsa.

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