Garlic Minced Pork Spaghetti 香蒜肉絲意粉
Yeah! Another copy cat of Pizza Hut’s most favourite pasta – Garlic Minced Pork Spaghetti. It is the cheapest yet very yummy pasta dish. The ingredients are so simple, minced pork, ham, mixed corns, peas and carrot, with a looooot garlic powder. Soooo simple but delicious, and of course, it is so easy to make at home.
We always order this dish everytime in Pizza hut, but the portion is too small that barely can feed one person. I decide to copy it and make at home, so that I can cook a large pan of it all by myself. It takes only 15 minutes to make it, great for quick lunch and dinner. Kids will love it too. You can add other ingredients you like, and it is just sooo yummy!
很多人都喜歡Pizza Hut 的香蒜肉絲意粉,蒜味香濃,材料非常簡單,價錢最平卻又很美味。有肉粒,雜菜,火腿,磨菇等,可惜份量少,價錢又不平宜,自己在家做,經濟實惠,簡單易做,15分鐘做好。絕對是懶人,快速簡單意粉,自己煮一大碟才滿足,美味推介!Bring a large pot of salted water to boil, cook the spaghetti, drain well. Add oil in hot pan, cook the garlic, onion and minced pork for 3 – 4 minutes, then add all the other ingredients, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder, cook for 3 minutes. Add in spaghetti and two tablespoons of pasta water, toss well and ready to serve.

- 150 gram spaghetti
- 80 gram ham, thinly sliced
- 80 gram minced pork
- 1/4 onion, thinly sliced
- 50 gram mushrooms, thinly sliced
- mixed vegetables
- 材料:
- 意粉 -150克
- 火腿 -80克
- 免治豬肉 -80克
- 洋蔥 -1/4個
- 磨菇 -50克
- 雜菜 -適量
- Bring a large pot of salted water to boil, cook the spaghetti, drain well.
- Add oil in hot pan, cook the garlic, onion and minced pork for 3 - 4 minutes.
- Then add all the other ingredients, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder, cook for 3 minutes. Add in spaghetti and two tablespoons of pasta water, toss well and ready to serve.
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