Pork with Creamed Corn 粟米肉粒飯
This is a classic Hong Kong local dish in Cha-Chaan-Tang (local food stall). It is as simple as the name, pork with creamed pork. It usually put on a large plate with rice, consider a comforting and filling meal.
This is always a homey dish at home, it is good when you have nothing much in your fridge, this one is simple and delicious. Or muns love to cook this as kids always love it and will help them to eat more rice. Not a bad idea right.
You only need a tin of creamed corn, some meat like pork, chicken or tinned meat (luncheon meat) which I love most. It takes only 15 minutes , with bowls of rice, it is very comforting after a long day. Sometimes, simple is a bliss.
香港茶餐廳的經典碟頭飯 – 粟米肉粒飯,也是經典家常菜,很多大人小孩都愛,絕對是超下飯的頭三甲。有時突然想起這味,就很想很想吃,雖然簡單,但超美味,有令人懷念的味道。如放工回家不知煮什麼,這個最方便快捷。小朋友都超喜歡,絕對可以令他們吃多點飯。超簡單易做,15分鐘內上桌,再加一個菜,又成豐富晚餐。新手必學,零難度又超美味!
Cut the pork into cube or thin strips, marinate with some soy sauce, salt, sugar and corn starch for 15 minutes. Add oil in hot pan, cook the cook until cooked, or like me, pan-fried the luncheon meat. Then put on a plate and set aside. Cook the creamed corn with half tin of water, bring it to boil, season with salt and pepper.
Transfer the pork to the pan, turn to low heat and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add one beaten egg slowly and use chopsticks to keep stirring to make an egg swirl. Serve with white rice or even spaghetti.

- 200 gram pork, diced or striped
- 1 tin creamed corn
- 1 egg, beaten
- 材料 :
- 豬肉 -200克
- 粟米蓉 -1罐
- 雞蛋 -1隻
- Marinate the pork with some soy sauce, salt, sugar and corn starch for 15 minutes.
- Add oil in hot pan, cook the meat until cooked, put on a plate and set aside.
- Pour the creamed corn and half tin of water into a pan, season with salt and pepper and bring it to boil.
- Then add in meat and turn to low heat cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add in beaten egg, use a chopstick to keep stirring and make a swirl. Serve with rice or spaghetti.
- You can add some corn starch mix with water to thicken the sauce.

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