Foolproof Recipe – Palmiers 蝴蝶酥
Who doesn’t like these cute little butterfly pastries? It called Palmiers or elephant ears, but butterfly shape look so adorable. It is by far one of the most easiest and foolproof baking treats. It is so nice to look at and great with a cup of tea!
I use the store-bought puff pastry, yes I know, is not homemade. For puff pastry, it is a very tricky one, especially when you make it in summer. The ingredients have to be super cold, if not, then the butter will melt and I also melting in a hot kitchen…turn into a mess. It is time consuming and surprisingly for me, it is more expensive to make it by myself. So, life is short! I like to spend less time and get the good or better result, win -win!
外形可愛又美味的蝴蝶酥,非常酥脆,一口接一口!在家做其實是超簡單,用的是急凍酥皮 ,當然你也可以自製酥皮,但因需要長時間及精神,加上買的比自己做的酥皮更經濟實惠。只要小心摺好形狀,再焗便可,絕對是新手烘焙的不敗食譜,充滿成功感!作下午茶茶點超美味,大人小孩都愛!
You need only puff pastry and sugar, roll out the pastry if needed to a 24cm x 24cm square. Sprinkle the sugar on top, use your hand to press it and make sure it sticked. If the pastry is too dry, you can sprinkle some water on top, it would help. Then turn the pastry to the other side, sprinkle more sugar on top.
將急凍酥皮從冰箱拿出解凍, 然後擀成24×24厘米的方形。在酥皮表面灑上糖,用手壓實,令糖黏著酥皮。如酥皮太乾,可灑少許水,可令糖黏實。反轉另一面,再灑糖。
Then fold each long end towards the middle, fold tightly. The wrap with clingfilm and chill in fridge for 20 minutes. Then slice into about 18 pieces, place on parchment paper, 2 inches apart. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden. Transfer to a wire rack and cool completely.
將兩邊摺1/4,再手摺1/4, 然後對摺。用保鮮紙包好,放入雪櫃冷卻20分鐘。然後切成18件,放在烘焙紙上,每個要有兩吋空間。放入預熱焗爐180度焗15至20分鐘,再表面金黃色即成!放在涼架上待涼後,才放入密封盒內。

- 1 sheet frozen puff pastry
- 50g sugar
- 材料:
- 急凍酥皮 -1塊
- 糖 -50克
- Roll the puff pastry into 24cm x 24 cm square.
- Sprinkle sugar on top, press it to let it sticked.
- Turn over the other side and sprinkle sugar on top.
- Fold each long end to the center, wrap it with clingfilm and chill in fridge for 20 minutes.
- Slice it into 18 pieces and place on parchment paper, 2 inches apart.
- Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden.
- Cool on wire rack until completely cool.
- As ovens are different, pay attention at the last 5 minutes, they are easy to get burn.
- Once cool completely, store in airtight-container.

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