Cinnamon Raisin Buns 肉桂葡萄麵包卷
Homemade freshly baked cinnamon raisin buns, it just make my house smell soooo nice! A flaky bread with sweet melted brown sugar and butter filling, with raisin or with some pecans would be nice. This is the most popular breakfast buns …in my home anyway.
Are they look gorgeous? It is so happy to see once they finish baking. Drizzle with some syrup , this bun actually not very sweet itself. It is just as good as in the bakery, maybe better as Mr P told me.
This bread is an easy-handle dough, not tricky and you just have to knead for 10 minutes. Spread the fillings on the dough and roll it, as simple as that. This recipe can make 12 buns, I normally wrap it with clingfilm, store in freezer. Whenever we want it, just pop in microwave for about 30 seconds or so, spread with butter. Yum!
In a large bowl, mix flour and yeast together, then stir in egg. In another bowl, mix the melted butter with milk. Let it cool till lukewarm and pour little by little into the flour. Keep mixing until it form a dough.
在大碗內,先將麵粉與酵母拌勻,再下一隻蛋。 另一碗內,將溶化牛油與牛奶拌勻,然後逐少加入麵粉內,不停攪拌至成麵團。
Tip the dough onto slightly flour worktop, knead the dough for about 10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic. Place into a slightly oiled bowl, cover with clingfilm. Let it rise for one to two hours, or double in size.
將麵團放在灑有麵粉的枱上, 大力搓麵團十分鐘,或至麵團表面平滑及有彈性。將麵團放入塗有油的大碗內,用保鮮紙包好,靜置一至兩小時,發酵至麵團脹大一倍。
Take the dough out, punch down the air. Then roll the dough into 25cm x 40 cm. Then brush the melted butter, sprinkle with brown sugar, raisin and cinnamon.
The slice it into 12 pieces and put on baking tray with parchment paper. Cover with clingfilm and let it rest for 30 minutes, the dough will grow again. Then pop in preheated oven at 190C, bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until golden brown.
For the syrup, add 50 gram of sugar and four tablespoons of water in a saucepan, cook at medium heat until sugar dissolve and become syrup. Then glaze it on buns and let it cool on wire rack.

- 500 gram bread flour
- 7 gram instant yeast
- 40 gram unsalted butter,melted
- 300ml milk
- 1egg
- 25 gram unsalted butter, melted
- 75 gram brown sugar
- 200 gram raisin
- 1 - 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 材料:
- 高筋麵粉 -500克
- 乾酵母 -7克
- 溶化無鹽牛油-40克
- 牛奶 -300毫升
- 雞蛋 -1隻
- 餡料:
- 溶化無鹽牛油-25克
- 紅糖 -75克
- 葡萄乾 -200克
- 肉桂粉-1茶匙
- In a large bowl, mix the flour and yeast, then stir in egg and mix well.
- Mix the melted butter with the milk, then add into flour and form a dough.
- Take the dough out on slightly floured worktop, knead the dough for about 10 minutes or until thw dough is smooth and elastic.
- Put the dough in slightly oiled bowl, cover with clingfilm. Let it rest for one to two hours or until double in size.
- Knock down the dough, roll it into 25cm × 40cm. Brush with melted butter, sprinkle with brown sugar, raisin and cinnamon.
- Roll up a dough into tight cylinder and seal the end. Slice the dough into 12 pieces, transfer on parchment paper, cover with clingfilm and let it rest for 30 minutes.
- Brush some eggwash on the bun, bake in preheated oven at 190C, for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.
- For the syrup: Cook 50 gram sugar and four tablespoons of water in saucepan. Cook until sugar dissolved and syrup like texture. Glaze on the buns and cool on wire rack.

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