Clay Pot Rice with Black Bean Ribs & Chinese Sausage 豉椒排骨臘腸煲仔飯
This is one of my favourite food in winter, very warm, comforting anx delicious clay pot rice with black bean spare ribs and Chinese sausage.
In Hong Kong, we love having the clay pot rice in winter, sit on the street outside the local restaurants 大排檔, it is the tradition.
Cooking rice in a clay pot, then put the food like black bean spare ribs, Chinese sausages, cured meat, chicken, shittake mushrooms, meat biscuits etc. And the best part is, at the bottom of the pot, there are some crispy rice stick to the pot. Super yummy!
So if you can’t go to Hong Kong to try, you can definitely make it at home, it is not the best but close enough!
煲仔飯又稱瓦煲飯,用瓦煲煮飯,再在飯面鋪上腊味,鳳爪排骨,香菇滑雞,肉餅等。豉椒排骨非常惹味,用瓦煲可做出脆脆的飯焦,簡單易做又美味!在家也可做出, 排檔風味!
Wash the rice, then add 4/5 cup of rice soak in one cup of water for one hour. Marinate the spare ribs for one hour.
先將米洗淨,用4/5杯水浸米一小時(比平常煮飯用少點水) 。排骨用所有醃料醃一小時備用。
Light brush the clay pot with oil, then add the rice and water, cook on medium heat for 10 -12 minutes, or until the water evaporated.
瓦煲內塗一層食用油,倒入已泡浸的米及水,蓋上煲蓋,用中大火煮約10- 12分鐘,至水收乾。
Then add the Chinese sausage and spare ribs on top of the rice, cook on low heat for 15 minutes. After that, turn off the heat and let it set for 15 minutes.
Sprinkle with spring onions and drizzle with sweet soy sauce.
*If you love the crispy rice at the bottom, turn on to high heat to cook for the last few minutes.

- 1 cup rice
- 4/5 cup water
- 200g spare ribs
- 1 chinese sausage
- spring onion
- 1 teaspoon black beans, minced
- 1 teaspoon garlic, minced
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon corn starch
- 1 – 2 red chilli, chopped
- 材料:
- 白米- 1杯
- 水- 4/5杯
- 排骨- 200克
- 臘腸- 1條
- 蔥花- 適量
- 排骨醃料:
- 蒜蓉- 1茶匙
- 豆豉- 1茶匙
- 指天椒- 1 -2隻
- 生抽- 1湯匙
- 生粉- 1茶匙
- 鹽- 1/2茶匙
- 糖- 1茶匙
- Wash the rice, then add 4/5 cup of rice soak in one cup of water for one hour. Marinate the spare ribs for one hour.
- Light brush the clay pot with oil, then add the rice and water, cook on medium heat for 10 -12 minutes, or until the water evaporated.
- Then add the Chinese sausage and spare ribs on top of the rice, cook on low heat for 15 minutes. After that, turn off the heat and let it set for 15 minutes.
- Sprinkle with spring onions and drizzle with sweet soy sauce.
- *If you love the crispy rice at the bottom, turn on to high heat to cook for the last few minutes.
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